- package org.dbunit.assertion;
- import java.util.Map;
- import org.dbunit.DatabaseUnitException;
- import org.dbunit.assertion.comparer.value.ValueComparer;
- import org.dbunit.dataset.Column;
- import org.dbunit.dataset.IDataSet;
- import org.dbunit.dataset.ITable;
- /**
- * DbUnit assertions using {@link ValueComparer}s for the column comparisons.
- *
- * @author Jeff Jensen
- * @since 2.6.0
- */
- public class DbUnitValueComparerAssert extends DbUnitAssertBase
- {
- /**
- * Asserts the two specified {@link IDataSet}s comparing their columns using
- * the default {@link ValueComparer} and handles failures using the default
- * {@link FailureHandler}. This method ignores the table names, the columns
- * order, the columns data type, and which columns are composing the primary
- * keys.
- *
- * @param expectedDataSet
- * {@link IDataSet} containing all expected results.
- * @param actualDataSet
- * {@link IDataSet} containing all actual results.
- * @throws DatabaseUnitException
- */
- public void assertWithValueComparer(final IDataSet expectedDataSet,
- final IDataSet actualDataSet) throws DatabaseUnitException
- {
- final ValueComparer defaultValueComparer =
- valueComparerDefaults.getDefaultValueComparer();
- assertWithValueComparer(expectedDataSet, actualDataSet,
- defaultValueComparer);
- }
- /**
- * Asserts the two specified {@link IDataSet}s comparing their columns using
- * the specified defaultValueComparer and handles failures using the default
- * {@link FailureHandler}. This method ignores the table names, the columns
- * order, the columns data type, and which columns are composing the primary
- * keys.
- *
- * @param expectedDataSet
- * {@link IDataSet} containing all expected results.
- * @param actualDataSet
- * {@link IDataSet} containing all actual results.
- * @param defaultValueComparer
- * {@link ValueComparer} to use with all column value
- * comparisons. Can be <code>null</code> and will default to
- * {@link #getDefaultValueComparer()}.
- * @throws DatabaseUnitException
- */
- public void assertWithValueComparer(final IDataSet expectedDataSet,
- final IDataSet actualDataSet,
- final ValueComparer defaultValueComparer)
- throws DatabaseUnitException
- {
- final Map<String, Map<String, ValueComparer>> tableColumnValueComparers =
- valueComparerDefaults.getDefaultTableColumnValueComparerMap();
- assertWithValueComparer(expectedDataSet, actualDataSet,
- defaultValueComparer, tableColumnValueComparers);
- }
- /**
- * Asserts the two specified {@link IDataSet}s comparing their columns using
- * the specified columnValueComparers or defaultValueComparer and handles
- * failures using the default {@link FailureHandler}. This method ignores
- * the table names, the columns order, the columns data type, and which
- * columns are composing the primary keys.
- *
- * @param expectedDataSet
- * {@link IDataSet} containing all expected results.
- * @param actualDataSet
- * {@link IDataSet} containing all actual results.
- * @param defaultValueComparer
- * {@link ValueComparer} to use with column value comparisons
- * when the column name for the table is not in the
- * tableColumnValueComparers {@link Map}. Can be
- * <code>null</code> and will default to
- * {@link #getDefaultValueComparer()}.
- * @param tableColumnValueComparers
- * {@link Map} of {@link ValueComparer}s to use for specific
- * tables and columns. Key is table name, value is {@link Map} of
- * column name in the table to {@link ValueComparer}s. Can be
- * <code>null</code> and will default to using
- * {@link #getDefaultColumnValueComparerMapForTable(String)} or,
- * if that is empty, defaultValueComparer for all columns in all
- * tables.
- * @throws DatabaseUnitException
- */
- public void assertWithValueComparer(final IDataSet expectedDataSet,
- final IDataSet actualDataSet,
- final ValueComparer defaultValueComparer,
- final Map<String, Map<String, ValueComparer>> tableColumnValueComparers)
- throws DatabaseUnitException
- {
- final FailureHandler failureHandler = getDefaultFailureHandler();
- assertWithValueComparer(expectedDataSet, actualDataSet, failureHandler,
- defaultValueComparer, tableColumnValueComparers);
- }
- /**
- * Asserts the two specified {@link ITable}s comparing their columns using
- * the default {@link ValueComparer} and handles failures using the default
- * {@link FailureHandler}. This method ignores the table names, the columns
- * order, the columns data type, and which columns are composing the primary
- * keys.
- *
- * @param expectedTable
- * {@link ITable} containing all expected results.
- * @param actualTable
- * {@link ITable} containing all actual results.
- * @throws DatabaseUnitException
- */
- public void assertWithValueComparer(final ITable expectedTable,
- final ITable actualTable) throws DatabaseUnitException
- {
- final ValueComparer defaultValueComparer =
- valueComparerDefaults.getDefaultValueComparer();
- assertWithValueComparer(expectedTable, actualTable,
- defaultValueComparer);
- }
- /**
- * Asserts the two specified {@link ITable}s comparing their columns using
- * the specified defaultValueComparer and handles failures using the default
- * {@link FailureHandler}. This method ignores the table names, the columns
- * order, the columns data type, and which columns are composing the primary
- * keys.
- *
- * @param expectedTable
- * {@link ITable} containing all expected results.
- * @param actualTable
- * {@link ITable} containing all actual results.
- * @param defaultValueComparer
- * {@link ValueComparer} to use with all column value
- * comparisons. Can be <code>null</code> and will default to
- * {@link #getDefaultValueComparer()}.
- * @throws DatabaseUnitException
- */
- public void assertWithValueComparer(final ITable expectedTable,
- final ITable actualTable, final ValueComparer defaultValueComparer)
- throws DatabaseUnitException
- {
- final String tableName =
- expectedTable.getTableMetaData().getTableName();
- final Map<String, ValueComparer> columnValueComparers =
- valueComparerDefaults
- .getDefaultColumnValueComparerMapForTable(tableName);
- assertWithValueComparer(expectedTable, actualTable,
- defaultValueComparer, columnValueComparers);
- }
- /**
- * Asserts the two specified {@link ITable}s comparing their columns using
- * the specified columnValueComparers or defaultValueComparer and handles
- * failures using the default {@link FailureHandler}. This method ignores
- * the table names, the columns order, the columns data type, and which
- * columns are composing the primary keys.
- *
- * @param expectedTable
- * {@link ITable} containing all expected results.
- * @param actualTable
- * {@link ITable} containing all actual results.
- * @param defaultValueComparer
- * {@link ValueComparer} to use with column value comparisons
- * when the column name for the table is not in the
- * columnValueComparers {@link Map}. Can be <code>null</code> and
- * will default to {@link #getDefaultValueComparer()}.
- * @param columnValueComparers
- * {@link Map} of {@link ValueComparer}s to use for specific
- * columns. Key is column name in the table, value is
- * {@link ValueComparer} to use in comparing expected to actual
- * column values. Can be <code>null</code> and will default to
- * using
- * {@link #getDefaultColumnValueComparerMapForTable(String)} or,
- * if that is empty, defaultValueComparer for all columns in the
- * table.
- * @throws DatabaseUnitException
- */
- public void assertWithValueComparer(final ITable expectedTable,
- final ITable actualTable, final ValueComparer defaultValueComparer,
- final Map<String, ValueComparer> columnValueComparers)
- throws DatabaseUnitException
- {
- final FailureHandler failureHandler = getDefaultFailureHandler();
- assertWithValueComparer(expectedTable, actualTable, failureHandler,
- defaultValueComparer, columnValueComparers);
- }
- /**
- * Asserts the two specified {@link ITable}s comparing their columns using
- * the specified columnValueComparers or defaultValueComparer and handles
- * failures using the default {@link FailureHandler}, using
- * additionalColumnInfo, if specified. This method ignores the table names,
- * the columns order, the columns data type, and which columns are composing
- * the primary keys.
- *
- * @param expectedTable
- * {@link ITable} containing all expected results.
- * @param actualTable
- * {@link ITable} containing all actual results.
- * @param additionalColumnInfo
- * The columns to be printed out if the assert fails because of a
- * data mismatch. Provides some additional column values that may
- * be useful to quickly identify the columns for which the
- * mismatch occurred (for example a primary key column). Can be
- * <code>null</code>
- * @param defaultValueComparer
- * {@link ValueComparer} to use with column value comparisons
- * when the column name for the table is not in the
- * columnValueComparers {@link Map}. Can be <code>null</code> and
- * will default to {@link #getDefaultValueComparer()}.
- * @param columnValueComparers
- * {@link Map} of {@link ValueComparer}s to use for specific
- * columns. Key is column name in the table, value is
- * {@link ValueComparer} to use in comparing expected to actual
- * column values. Can be <code>null</code> and will default to
- * using
- * {@link #getDefaultColumnValueComparerMapForTable(String)} or,
- * if that is empty, defaultValueComparer for all columns in the
- * table.
- * @throws DatabaseUnitException
- */
- public void assertWithValueComparer(final ITable expectedTable,
- final ITable actualTable, final Column[] additionalColumnInfo,
- final ValueComparer defaultValueComparer,
- final Map<String, ValueComparer> columnValueComparers)
- throws DatabaseUnitException
- {
- final FailureHandler failureHandler =
- getDefaultFailureHandler(additionalColumnInfo);
- assertWithValueComparer(expectedTable, actualTable, failureHandler,
- defaultValueComparer, columnValueComparers);
- }
- }