- /*
- *
- * The DbUnit Database Testing Framework
- * Copyright (C)2005,
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- */
- package;
- import java.sql.SQLException;
- import java.util.Set;
- import org.dbunit.database.IDatabaseConnection;
- import org.dbunit.database.PrimaryKeyFilter.PkTableMap;
- import org.dbunit.dataset.DataSetException;
- import org.dbunit.dataset.FilteredDataSet;
- import org.dbunit.dataset.IDataSet;
- import org.dbunit.dataset.filter.ITableFilter;
- import org.dbunit.util.CollectionsHelper;
- import;
- import;
- import org.slf4j.Logger;
- import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
- /**
- * Helper for the graph-search based classes used to calculate dependency
- * among tables.
- *
- * @author Felipe Leme (
- * @author Last changed by: $Author$
- * @version $Revision$ $Date$
- * @since Aug 26, 2005
- */
- public class TablesDependencyHelper {
- /**
- * Logger for this class
- */
- private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TablesDependencyHelper.class);
- // this is a "static" class
- private TablesDependencyHelper() {
- }
- /**
- * Get the name of all tables that depend on the root tables (i.e, all tables that have FKs
- * pointing to the PK of the root table).
- * @param connection database connection
- * @param rootTable root table described above
- * @return name of all tables that depend on the root table (including the root table),
- * in the right order for insertions
- * @throws SearchException if an exception occurred while calculating the order
- */
- public static String[] getDependentTables( IDatabaseConnection connection, String rootTable )
- throws SearchException
- {
- logger.debug("getDependentTables(connection={}, rootTable={}) - start", connection, rootTable);
- return getDependentTables( connection, new String[] { rootTable } );
- }
- /**
- * Get the name of all tables that depend on the root tables (i.e, all tables that have FKs
- * pointing to the PK of one of the root tables).
- * @param connection database connection
- * @param rootTables array of root tables described above
- * @return name of all tables that depend on the root tables (including the root tables),
- * in the right order for insertions
- * @throws SearchException if an exception occurred while calculating the order
- */
- public static String[] getDependentTables( IDatabaseConnection connection, String[] rootTables )
- throws SearchException
- {
- logger.debug("getDependentTables(connection={}, rootTables={}) - start", connection, rootTables);
- ImportedKeysSearchCallback callback = new ImportedKeysSearchCallback(connection);
- DepthFirstSearch search = new DepthFirstSearch();
- Set tables = rootTables, callback );
- return CollectionsHelper.setToStrings( tables );
- }
- /**
- * Get the name of all tables that the given rootTable depends on (i.e, all tables whose PK is a FK for the root table).
- * @param connection database connection
- * @param rootTable root table described above
- * @return name of all tables that the rootTable depends on (including the rootTable itself),
- * in the right order for insertions
- * @throws SearchException if an exception occurred while calculating the order
- * @since 2.4
- */
- public static String[] getDependsOnTables( IDatabaseConnection connection, String rootTable )
- throws SearchException
- {
- logger.debug("getDependsOnTables(connection={}, rootTable={}) - start", connection, rootTable);
- ExportedKeysSearchCallback callback = new ExportedKeysSearchCallback(connection);
- DepthFirstSearch search = new DepthFirstSearch();
- Set tables = new String[]{rootTable}, callback );
- return CollectionsHelper.setToStrings( tables );
- }
- /**
- * Get the name of all tables that depend on a root table ( i.e, all tables whose PK
- * is a FK for the root table) and also the tables the root table depends on
- * (i.e., all tables which have a FK for the root table's PK).
- * @param connection database connection
- * @param rootTable root table described above
- * @return name of all tables that depend on the root table (including the root table),
- * in the right order for insertions
- * @throws SearchException if an exception occurred while calculating the order
- */
- public static String[] getAllDependentTables( IDatabaseConnection connection, String rootTable )
- throws SearchException
- {
- logger.debug("getAllDependentTables(connection={}, rootTable={}) - start", connection, rootTable);
- return getAllDependentTables( connection, new String[] { rootTable } );
- }
- /**
- * Get the name of all tables that depend on the root tables ( i.e, all tables whose PK
- * is a FK for any of the root tables) and also the tables the root tables depends on
- * (i.e., all tables which have a FK for any of the root table's PK).
- * @param connection database connection
- * @param rootTables root tables described above
- * @return name of all tables that depend on the root tables (including the root tables),
- * in the right order for insertions
- * @throws SearchException if an exception occurred while calculating the order
- */
- public static String[] getAllDependentTables(IDatabaseConnection connection, String[] rootTables)
- throws SearchException
- {
- logger.debug("getAllDependentTables(connection={}, rootTables={}) - start",connection, rootTables);
- ImportedAndExportedKeysSearchCallback callback = new ImportedAndExportedKeysSearchCallback(connection);
- DepthFirstSearch search = new DepthFirstSearch();
- Set tables =, callback);
- return CollectionsHelper.setToStrings(tables);
- }
- // TODO: javadoc (and unit tests) from down here...
- public static IDataSet getDataset(IDatabaseConnection connection,String rootTable, Set allowedIds)
- throws SearchException, SQLException, DataSetException
- {
- if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
- {
- logger.debug("getDataset(connection={}, rootTable={}, allowedIds={}) - start",
- new Object[] { connection, rootTable, allowedIds });
- }
- PkTableMap map = new PkTableMap();
- map.addAll(rootTable, allowedIds);
- return getDataset(connection, map);
- }
- public static IDataSet getDataset( IDatabaseConnection connection, PkTableMap rootTables )
- throws SearchException, SQLException, DataSetException
- {
- logger.debug("getDataset(connection={}, rootTables={}) - start", connection, rootTables);
- ImportedKeysSearchCallbackFilteredByPKs callback = new ImportedKeysSearchCallbackFilteredByPKs(connection, rootTables);
- ITableFilter filter = callback.getFilter();
- DepthFirstSearch search = new DepthFirstSearch();
- String[] tableNames = rootTables.getTableNames();
- Set tmpTables = tableNames, callback );
- String[] dependentTables = CollectionsHelper.setToStrings( tmpTables );
- IDataSet tmpDataset = connection.createDataSet( dependentTables );
- FilteredDataSet dataset = new FilteredDataSet(filter, tmpDataset);
- return dataset;
- }
- public static IDataSet getAllDataset( IDatabaseConnection connection, String rootTable, Set allowedPKs )
- throws SearchException, SQLException, DataSetException
- {
- if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
- {
- logger.debug("getAllDataset(connection={}, rootTable={}, allowedPKs={}) - start",
- new Object[]{ connection, rootTable, allowedPKs });
- }
- PkTableMap map = new PkTableMap();
- map.addAll( rootTable, allowedPKs );
- return getAllDataset( connection, map );
- }
- public static IDataSet getAllDataset( IDatabaseConnection connection, PkTableMap rootTables )
- throws SearchException, SQLException, DataSetException
- {
- logger.debug("getAllDataset(connection={}, rootTables={}) - start", connection, rootTables);
- ImportedAndExportedKeysSearchCallbackFilteredByPKs callback = new ImportedAndExportedKeysSearchCallbackFilteredByPKs(connection, rootTables);
- ITableFilter filter = callback.getFilter();
- DepthFirstSearch search = new DepthFirstSearch();
- String[] tableNames = rootTables.getTableNames();
- Set tmpTables = tableNames, callback );
- String[] dependentTables = CollectionsHelper.setToStrings( tmpTables );
- IDataSet tmpDataset = connection.createDataSet( dependentTables );
- FilteredDataSet dataset = new FilteredDataSet(filter, tmpDataset);
- return dataset;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a set of tables on which the given table directly depends on.
- * @param connection The connection to be used for the database lookup.
- * @param tableName
- * @return a set of tables on which the given table directly depends on.
- * @throws SearchException
- * @since 2.4
- */
- public static Set getDirectDependsOnTables(IDatabaseConnection connection,
- String tableName) throws SearchException
- {
- logger.debug("getDirectDependsOnTables(connection={}, tableName={}) - start",
- connection, tableName);
- ExportedKeysSearchCallback callback = new ExportedKeysSearchCallback(connection);
- // Do a depthFirstSearch with a recursion depth of 1
- DepthFirstSearch search = new DepthFirstSearch(1);
- Set tables = new String[]{tableName}, callback );
- return tables;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a set of tables which directly depend on the given table.
- * @param connection The connection to be used for the database lookup.
- * @param tableName
- * @return a set of tables on which the given table directly depends on.
- * @throws SearchException
- * @since 2.4
- */
- public static Set getDirectDependentTables(IDatabaseConnection connection,
- String tableName) throws SearchException
- {
- logger.debug("getDirectDependentTables(connection={}, tableName={}) - start",
- connection, tableName);
- ImportedKeysSearchCallback callback = new ImportedKeysSearchCallback(connection);
- // Do a depthFirstSearch with a recursion depth of 1
- DepthFirstSearch search = new DepthFirstSearch(1);
- Set tables = new String[]{tableName}, callback );
- return tables;
- }
- }