- /*
- *
- * The DbUnit Database Testing Framework
- * Copyright (C)2002-2004,
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- */
- package;
- import org.dbunit.dataset.AbstractTable;
- import org.dbunit.dataset.DataSetException;
- import org.dbunit.dataset.ITable;
- import org.dbunit.dataset.ITableIterator;
- import org.dbunit.dataset.ITableMetaData;
- import org.dbunit.dataset.RowOutOfBoundsException;
- import org.dbunit.util.concurrent.BoundedBuffer;
- import org.dbunit.util.concurrent.Channel;
- import org.dbunit.util.concurrent.Puttable;
- import org.dbunit.util.concurrent.Takable;
- import org.slf4j.Logger;
- import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
- /**
- * Asynchronous table iterator that uses a new Thread for asynchronous processing.
- *
- * @author Manuel Laflamme
- * @author Last changed by: $Author$
- * @version $Revision$ $Date$
- * @since Apr 17, 2003
- */
- public class StreamingIterator implements ITableIterator
- {
- /**
- * Logger for this class
- */
- private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StreamingIterator.class);
- private static final Object EOD = new Object(); // end of dataset marker
- private final Takable _channel;
- private StreamingTable _activeTable;
- private Object _taken = null;
- private boolean _eod = false;
- /**
- * Variable to store an exception that might occur in the asynchronous consumer
- */
- private Exception _asyncException;
- /**
- * Iterator that creates a table iterator by reading the input from
- * the given source in an asynchronous way. Therefore a Thread is
- * created.
- * @param source The source of the data
- * @throws DataSetException
- */
- public StreamingIterator(IDataSetProducer source) throws DataSetException
- {
- Channel channel = new BoundedBuffer(30);
- _channel = channel;
- AsynchronousConsumer consumer = new AsynchronousConsumer(source, channel, this);
- Thread thread = new Thread(consumer, "StreamingIterator");
- thread.setDaemon(true);
- thread.start();
- // Take first element from asynchronous handler
- try
- {
- _taken = _channel.take();
- }
- catch (InterruptedException e)
- {
- logger.debug("Thread '" + Thread.currentThread() + "' was interrupted");
- throw resolveException(e);
- }
- }
- private DataSetException resolveException(InterruptedException cause) throws DataSetException
- {
- String msg = "Current thread was interrupted (Thread=" + Thread.currentThread() + ")";
- if(this._asyncException != null)
- {
- return new DataSetException(msg, this._asyncException);
- }
- else
- {
- return new DataSetException(msg, cause);
- }
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // ITableIterator interface
- public boolean next() throws DataSetException
- {
- logger.debug("next() - start");
- // End of dataset has previously been reach
- if (_eod)
- {
- return false;
- }
- // Iterate to the end of current table.
- while (_activeTable != null &&
- ;
- // End of dataset is reach
- if (_taken == EOD)
- {
- _eod = true;
- _activeTable = null;
- logger.debug("End of iterator.");
- return false;
- }
- // New table
- if (_taken instanceof ITableMetaData)
- {
- _activeTable = new StreamingTable((ITableMetaData)_taken);
- return true;
- }
- throw new IllegalStateException(
- "Unexpected object taken from asyncronous handler: " + _taken);
- }
- public ITableMetaData getTableMetaData() throws DataSetException
- {
- logger.debug("getTableMetaData() - start");
- return _activeTable.getTableMetaData();
- }
- public ITable getTable() throws DataSetException
- {
- logger.debug("getTable() - start");
- return _activeTable;
- }
- private void handleException(Exception e)
- {
- // Is invoked when the asynchronous thread reports an exception
- this._asyncException = e;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // StreamingTable class
- private class StreamingTable extends AbstractTable
- {
- /**
- * Logger for this class
- */
- private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StreamingTable.class);
- private ITableMetaData _metaData;
- private int _lastRow = -1;
- private boolean _eot = false;
- private Object[] _rowValues;
- public StreamingTable(ITableMetaData metaData)
- {
- _metaData = metaData;
- }
- boolean next() throws DataSetException
- {
- logger.debug("next() - start");
- // End of table has previously been reach
- if (_eot)
- {
- return false;
- }
- try
- {
- _taken = _channel.take();
- if (!(_taken instanceof Object[]))
- {
- _eot = true;
- return false;
- }
- _lastRow++;
- _rowValues = (Object[])_taken;
- return true;
- }
- catch (InterruptedException e)
- {
- throw resolveException(e);
- }
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // ITable interface
- public ITableMetaData getTableMetaData()
- {
- logger.debug("getTableMetaData() - start");
- return _metaData;
- }
- public int getRowCount()
- {
- logger.debug("getRowCount() - start");
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
- }
- public Object getValue(int row, String columnName) throws DataSetException
- {
- if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
- logger.debug("getValue(row={}, columnName={}) - start", Integer.toString(row), columnName);
- // Iterate up to specified row
- while (!_eot && row > _lastRow)
- {
- next();
- }
- if (row < _lastRow)
- {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot go backward!");
- }
- if (_eot || row > _lastRow)
- {
- throw new RowOutOfBoundsException(row + " > " + _lastRow);
- }
- return _rowValues[getColumnIndex(columnName)];
- }
- public String toString()
- {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- sb.append(getClass().getName()).append("[");
- sb.append("_metaData=")
- .append(this._metaData == null ? "null" : this._metaData
- .toString());
- sb.append(", _eot=").append(this._eot);
- sb.append(", _lastRow=").append(this._lastRow);
- sb.append(", _rowValues=").append(
- this._rowValues == null ? "null" : this._rowValues
- .toString());
- sb.append("]");
- return sb.toString();
- }
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // AsynchronousConsumer class
- private static class AsynchronousConsumer implements Runnable, IDataSetConsumer
- {
- /**
- * Logger for this class
- */
- private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AsynchronousConsumer.class);
- private final IDataSetProducer _producer;
- private final Puttable _channel;
- private final StreamingIterator _exceptionHandler;
- private final Thread _invokerThread;
- public AsynchronousConsumer(IDataSetProducer source, Puttable channel, StreamingIterator exceptionHandler)
- {
- _producer = source;
- _channel = channel;
- _exceptionHandler = exceptionHandler;
- _invokerThread = Thread.currentThread();
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Runnable interface
- public void run()
- {
- logger.debug("run() - start");
- try
- {
- _producer.setConsumer(this);
- _producer.produce();
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- _exceptionHandler.handleException(e);
- // Since the invoker thread probably waits tell it that we have finished here
- _invokerThread.interrupt();
- }
- logger.debug("End of thread " + Thread.currentThread());
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // IDataSetConsumer interface
- public void startDataSet() throws DataSetException
- {
- }
- public void endDataSet() throws DataSetException
- {
- logger.debug("endDataSet() - start");
- try
- {
- _channel.put(EOD);
- }
- catch (InterruptedException e)
- {
- throw new DataSetException("Operation was interrupted");
- }
- }
- public void startTable(ITableMetaData metaData) throws DataSetException
- {
- logger.debug("startTable(metaData={}) - start", metaData);
- try
- {
- _channel.put(metaData);
- }
- catch (InterruptedException e)
- {
- throw new DataSetException("Operation was interrupted");
- }
- }
- public void endTable() throws DataSetException
- {
- }
- public void row(Object[] values) throws DataSetException
- {
- logger.debug("row(values={}) - start", values);
- try
- {
- _channel.put(values);
- }
- catch (InterruptedException e)
- {
- throw new DataSetException("Operation was interrupted");
- }
- }
- }
- }