Originally written by Doug Lea and released into the public domain.
This may be used for any purposes whatsoever without acknowledgment.
Thanks for the assistance and support of Sun Microsystems Labs,
and everyone contributing, testing, and using this code.
Date Who What
11Jun1998 dl Create public version
25aug1998 dl added peek
10dec1998 dl added isEmpty
10oct1999 dl lock on node object to ensure visibility
package org.dbunit.util.concurrent;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* A linked list based channel implementation.
* The algorithm avoids contention between puts
* and takes when the queue is not empty.
* Normally a put and a take can proceed simultaneously.
* (Although it does not allow multiple concurrent puts or takes.)
* This class tends to perform more efficently than
* other Channel implementations in producer/consumer
* applications.
* <p>[<a href=""> Introduction to this package. </a>]
* @author Doug Lea
* @author Last changed by: $Author$
* @version $Revision$ $Date$
* @since ? (pre 2.1)
public class LinkedQueue implements Channel {
* Logger for this class
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LinkedQueue.class);
* Dummy header node of list. The first actual node, if it exists, is always
* at After each take, the old first node becomes the head.
protected LinkedNode head_;
* Helper monitor for managing access to last node.
protected final Object putLock_ = new Object();
* The last node of list. Put() appends to list, so modifies last_
protected LinkedNode last_;
* The number of threads waiting for a take.
* Notifications are provided in put only if greater than zero.
* The bookkeeping is worth it here since in reasonably balanced
* usages, the notifications will hardly ever be necessary, so
* the call overhead to notify can be eliminated.
protected int waitingForTake_ = 0;
public LinkedQueue() {
head_ = new LinkedNode(null);
last_ = head_;
/** Main mechanics for put/offer **/
protected void insert(Object x) {
logger.debug("insert(x=" + x + ") - start");
synchronized(putLock_) {
LinkedNode p = new LinkedNode(x);
synchronized(last_) { = p;
last_ = p;
if (waitingForTake_ > 0)
/** Main mechanics for take/poll **/
protected synchronized Object extract() {
logger.debug("extract() - start");
synchronized(head_) {
Object x = null;
LinkedNode first =;
if (first != null) {
x = first.value;
first.value = null;
head_ = first;
return x;
public void put(Object x) throws InterruptedException {
logger.debug("put(x=" + x + ") - start");
if (x == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (Thread.interrupted()) throw new InterruptedException();
public boolean offer(Object x, long msecs) throws InterruptedException {
logger.debug("offer(x=" + x + ", msecs=" + msecs + ") - start");
if (x == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (Thread.interrupted()) throw new InterruptedException();
return true;
public Object take() throws InterruptedException {
logger.debug("take() - start");
if (Thread.interrupted()) throw new InterruptedException();
// try to extract. If fail, then enter wait-based retry loop
Object x = extract();
if (x != null)
return x;
else {
synchronized(putLock_) {
try {
for (;;) {
x = extract();
if (x != null) {
return x;
else {
catch(InterruptedException ex) {
throw ex;
public Object peek() {
logger.debug("peek() - start");
synchronized(head_) {
LinkedNode first =;
if (first != null)
return first.value;
return null;
public boolean isEmpty() {
logger.debug("isEmpty() - start");
synchronized(head_) {
return == null;
public Object poll(long msecs) throws InterruptedException {
logger.debug("poll(msecs=" + msecs + ") - start");
if (Thread.interrupted()) throw new InterruptedException();
Object x = extract();
if (x != null)
return x;
else {
synchronized(putLock_) {
try {
long waitTime = msecs;
long start = (msecs <= 0)? 0 : System.currentTimeMillis();
for (;;) {
x = extract();
if (x != null || waitTime <= 0) {
return x;
else {
waitTime = msecs - (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
catch(InterruptedException ex) {
throw ex;